Rick Bradford's Publications


  • R.A.W.Bradford. "All Finite Hermitian or AntiHermitian Irreducible Representations of the de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter Lie Algebras and Their Lorentz Structure", Maths arXiv, 27 December 2024, paper arXiv:2412.19708, or download from here
  • R.A.W.Bradford. "Cauchy-like Integral Theorems for Quaternion and Biquaternion Functions", Maths arXiv, 30 May 2023, paper 2305.18943
Psychology and Sociology
  • R.A.W.Bradford. "Association of partner abuse with loneliness and impaired well-being of separated fathers in Wales", New Male Studies, Volume 11, Issue 1, 1-20, June 2022, (available here)
  • Rick Bradford. Presentation to the British Psychological Society's annual conference on male psychology, 20/21 June 2022 (University of Central Lancashire, Preston): "Male Victims of Partner Abuse: Barriers to Help-Seeking and Experience with Services", (video of presentation prerecording here)
  • Rick Bradford. Presentation to the British Psychological Society's annual conference on male psychology, October 2021 (online): "Loneliness and Degraded Well-being of Separated Fathers in Wales and Their Association with Partner Abuse and Other Independent Variables", (video of presentation here)
  • Richard Bradford. Book Review: "Perspectives in Male Psychology’" by Louise Liddon and John Barry, Psychreg website 2 May 2021, (available here) or New Male Studies Vol.10 Issue 1, 62-66, 2021 (available here)
  • R.A.W.Bradford. "Loneliness, impaired well-being, and partner abuse victimisation of separated fathers in Wales", Psychreg Journal of Psychology, Volume 4, Issue 3, December 2020, (available here)
  • R.A.W.Bradford. "The language of deceit, division and dominance", New Male Studies, Volume 9, Issue 2, December 2020, (available here)
  • R.A.W.Bradford. "Group Extinction in Iterated Two Person Games with Evolved Group-Level Mixed Strategies", The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Volume 43, Issue 4, April 2019, preprint (available here), journal article (available here)
  • J. D. Booker, S. Z. Chavoshi, M. Martin, P. Reed, R. Marshall, H. Cathcart, J. Johns, R. Bradford, M. Chevalier, N. J. Underwood, C. Pyke and O. Tuck, "A proposal and methodology for the accelerated implementation of probabilistic approaches in the nuclear sector", 5th International Creep & Fracture Conference (online), ECCC 19-20 October 2021. Draft here.
  • Saeed Chavoshi, Julian Booker, Rick Bradford and Mike Martin, "A review of probabilistic structural integrity assessment in the nuclear sector and possible future directions ", Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (FFEMS), 23 September 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/ffe.13572 available here.
  • Saeed Chavoshi, Rick Bradford and Julian Booker, "A validated approach for probabilistic structural integrity design code implementation", Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 257, November 2021, 108028. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfracmech.2021.108028 available here.
  • N. Zentuti, R. Bradford and J. D. Booker, "Probabilistic creep-fatigue: a plant component case study", 5th International ECCC Creep & Fracture Virtual Conference (ECCC2021), 19th -20th Oct 2021, draft here.
  • N. A. Zentuti, J. D. Booker, R. A. W. Bradford & C. E. Truman, "Plant loading uncertainties and their incorporation in probabilistic creep damage assessments", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, July 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2020.104134, linked (here).
  • N. A. Zentuti, J. D. Booker, R. A. W. Bradford & C. E. Truman, "Probabilistic structural integrity: methodology and case-study in the creep regime", Materials at High Temperatures, January 2020, DOI: 10.1080/09603409.2019.1709731 (here).
  • Hares E, Mostafavi M, Bradford R, Truman C. "Repeat stress relaxation of notched bars and the dependence of creep damage on relaxation rate." International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 169 (2019): 115-124 (here)
  • N A Zentuti, J D Booker, J Hoole, R A W Bradford & D Knowles, "Probabilistic Structural Integrity", Proceedings of the TAGSI-FESI Symposium on Probabilistics, 2018, Preprint available here.
  • Hares E, Mostafavi M, Bradford R, Truman C. "The effect of creep strain rate on damage accumulation in Type 316H austenitic stainless steel." International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 168 (2018): 132-141, (here)
  • N A Zentuti, J D Booker, R A W Bradford, C.E.Truman, "Correlations between creep parameters and application to probabilistic damage assessments", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.165, 295-305, August 2018 (here). Preprint available here.
  • N A Zentuti, J D Booker, R A W Bradford, C.E.Truman, "Management of Complex Loading Histories for Use in Probabilistic Creep-Fatigue Damage Assessments", ASME PVP Conference 2018, paper 84400. Preprint available here.
  • Edward Hares, C.E.Truman, Mahmoud Mostafavi, R.A.W.Bradford, "The Influence of Creep Strain Rate on Creep Damage Formation in Austenitic Stainless Steel", ASME PVP Conference 2018, paper 84635. Preprint available here.
  • N A Zentuti, J D Booker, R A W Bradford, C.E.Truman, "A review of probabilistic techniques: towards developing a probabilistic lifetime methodology in the creep regime", Materials at High Temperatures, Volume 34, Issue 5-6, September 2017, (here).
  • N.A.Zentuti, J.D.Booker, R.A.W.Bradford, C.E.Truman, "A review of probabilistic techniques: towards developing a probabilistic lifetime methodology in the creep regime", Materials at High Temperature, Volume 34, 2017 - Issue 5-6 (HIDA 7: Life/Defect Assessment and Failures in High Temperature Power Plant). Linked here or preprint here
  • R.A.W.Bradford, "The Bree problem with the primary load cycling out-of-phase with the secondary load", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volume 154, June 2017, Pages 83-94. Preprint available here.
  • R.A.W.Bradford and D.J.Tipping, "The Ratchet-Shakedown Diagram for a Thin Pressurised Pipe Subject to Additional Axial Load and Cyclic Secondary Global Bending", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volume 134, October 2015, Pages 92-100. Preprint available here.
  • R.A.W.Bradford,"Application of Probabilistic Assessments to the Lifetime Management of Nuclear Boilers in the Creep Regime", Transactions of the 23rd International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, SMiRT-23, Manchester, August 10-14 (2015), Paper ID 2014/11/550. Preprint available here.
  • R.A.W.Bradford, "Solution of the ratchet-shakedown Bree problem with an extra orthogonal primary load", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 129-130 (2015) 32-42. Preprint available here.
  • R.A.W.Bradford, J.Ure and H.F.Chen, "The Bree Problem with Different Yield Stresses On-Load and Off-Load and Application to Creep Ratcheting", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping Vol.113C (2014) 32-39. Preprint available here.
  • P.J.Holt and R.A.W.Bradford, "Application of Probabilistic Modelling to the Lifetime Management of Nuclear Boilers in the Creep Regime: Part 2", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping Vol.111-112 (2013) 232-245. Preprint available here.
  • M.P.O'Donnell, R.A.W.Bradford, D.W.Dean, C.D.Hamm and M.Chevalier "High Temperature Issues in Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors", TAGSI/FESI Symposium 2013, Structural Integrity of Nuclear Power Plant. Preprint available here.
  • R.A.W.Bradford, "The Bree problem with primary load cycling in-phase with the secondary load", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 99-100 (2012) 44-50. Preprint available here.
  • P.J.Holt and R.A.W.Bradford, "Application of Probabilistic Modelling to the Lifetime Management of Nuclear Boilers in the Creep Regime: Part 1", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 95 (2012) 48-55. Preprint available here.
  • M.J.Stevens, R.J.Dennis, I.J.M.Bottomley and R.A.W.Bradford, "Modelling the Manufacturing History, Through Life Creep-Fatigue Damage and Limiting Defect Sizes of a Pipework Joint using Finite Element Based Methods", 13th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology (ICPVT-13), I.Mech.E., London, 2-23 May 2012, published in the International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 108-109 (2013) 13-27. Preprint available here.
  • D.P.Bray, R.J.Dennis and R.A.W.Bradford, "Modelling the Complex Manufacturing History of a Pipework Joint and Assesment of its Through-Life Creep-Fatigue Damage using Finite Element Based Methods",, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division / K-PVP Conference, PVP2010, July 18-22, 2010, Bellevue, Washington, USA. Preprint available here.
  • P.J.Bouchard and R.A.W.Bradford, "Validated Axial Residual Stress Profiles for Fracture Assessments of Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Girth Welds", PVP-Vol.423, Fracture & Fitness, ASME (2001), pp. 93-99. Preprint available here.
  • D.R.Hayhurst, F.Vakili-Tahami and R.Bradford, "Continuum Mechanics: From Creep Rupture under Homogeneous Stress to Creep Crack Growth", Proceedings of the Symposium on Continuum Damage & Fracture, Cachan, France, 23-27 October 2000. Preprint available, in four parts, here, here,here and here.
  • R.Bradford, "Through-Thickness Distributions of Welding Residual Stresses in Austenitic Stainless Steel Cylindrical Butt Welds", in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Residual Stresses (ICRS-6), Oxford, 10-12 July 2000, pp 1373-1381. Preprint available here.
  • R.A.W.Bradford, "Finite Element Modelling of Reheat Cracking Initiation in Austenitic Weldments", Institute of Mechanical Engineers Conference Transactions, International Conference on "Assuring It's Safe", 18-19 May 1998, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, paper C535/023/98, pp 287-295. Preprint available here.
  • R.Bradford, "A Structural Approach to the Calculation of J", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.29, No.6 (1988) 683-695. Preprint available here.
  • R.Bradford, R.Gates, G.Green, D.Gladwin, J.Buckland and A.Muscati, "Eta Factors, Failure Assessment Diagrams and Validity for Conventional and Novel Specimen Geometries: Some Results from Theory and Experiment", Paper presented at the 1987 meeting of the International Group on Fracture, Berlin, 1987. Preprint available here.
  • J.Warburton and R.Bradford, "The Progressive Wear of Tubes: The Volumes of the Intersections of Cylinders with Each Other and with Flats", Wear 113 (1986) 331-352. Preprint available here.
  • R.Bradford, R.S.Gates, G.Green and D.C.Williams, "A Strain Hardening Failure Assessment Diagram Derived from Carbon-Manganese Steel Compact Tension Specimens", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.19, No.2 (1985) 83-99. Preprint available here.
  • R.Bradford, "Elastic-Plastic Analysis and J-Dominance of the Double Punch Mode II Fracture Toughness Specimen", International Journal of Fracture, 29 (1985) 113-124. Preprint available here.
  • R.Bradford, "Persistence of the HRR Fields for General Yielding in Mode II", International Journal of Fracture, 26 (1984) 85-98. Preprint available here.
  • R.Bradford, "J-Estimation Formulas for Toughness Measurements on Strain Hardening Materials", International Journal of Fracture, 25 (1984) R7-R9. Preprint available here.
  • A.Muscati and R.Bradford, "A Comparison of the Failure Pressure as Predicted by Finite Element Stress Analysis with the Results of Full Scale Burst Tests on GRP Flanges", Proceedings of the first International Conference on Composite Structures, Paisley College of Technology, Scotland, 16-18 September 1981, in "Composite Structures", editor I.H.Marshall, Applied Science Publishers, London, 1981, pages 690-703. Preprint available here.

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If they'd really been trying they could've got a Smart car inside that Cobra van